... tis not all of fishing to fish - Izaak Walton (1653)
Will you join us?
As the seven o’clock hour approached, we had more and more fellow fly fishers joining us in the banquet room of the China Buffet. When President Scott Peters called the meeting to order we had 24 members and guests present. Scott made several announcements concerning the club and our progress of organization and the pending “reward” of a fly rod from the FFF for our growth in membership. In Scott’s presentation he pointed out that we had to choose between two (2) rods from the Federation at this point in time. These rods are from the Lefty Kreh’s TiCR X Rod Series – a TFO 5904TX (9’ 4 pc 5 wt) -or- a
TFO 08904TX (9’ 4 pc 8 wt). It was discussed that instead of ordering either rod from the Federation, that we would hold another rod raffle (details to be announced) for one of these rods and the winner of that raffle would have her/his option of picking the rod of their choice for their individual fly fishing needs. Scott pointed out that since the Walla² Fly Fishers is a FFF Charter Club, (meaning all Walla² Fly Fishers members are also Federation of Fly Fishers members) that this rod raffle would be opened to card carrying FFF members only. We will be selling raffle tickets for this FFF rod at our January 13th and our February meetings. The drawing will be held at our February 10th meeting.
The fly donation boxes were passed around, door prize tickets were passed out, and more raffle tickets were sold for the Orvis rod and reel combo - to be drawn for this same evening.

Thereafter the 24 fly fishers present sit with Diane, Max, and Scott, their fly tying vises, and went about tying flies for the evening.

After our fly tying session the final call was made for the Orvis rod/reel raffle and all 100 tickets were sold. Thank You, everyone for your ticket(s) purchase and support of our club.

And the winner is…

Tyson Kopfer, a new Walla² Fly Fishers member with this being his first meeting attended. This made Tyson quite a happy winner.
Congratulations Tyson, you will have quite a few envious club members to sit with at our next meeting.
A very big Thank YOU goes out to our club's Co-President Skip Pritchard for his donation of this Orvis rod and reel combo. This will certainly give our club a great financial foundation to operate with.
After the evening's fly tying demo and practice, the Orvis rod/reel raffle winning; the meeting was adjourned to everyone's individual fly tying bench. In that process of moving things along, we did not have the second evening's fly box raffle. That box of flies will be raffled at our Wednesday January 13th meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Club Secretary
Tight lines and good fishing.
Walla² Fly Fishers

Scott Peters - President
Skip Pritchard - Co-President
Barry Gould - Treasurer
Dale McKain - Secretary /Blog Master