Below is a recap of this day's events in still pictures (worth a thousand words) and a couple of live videos. Hope you will enjoy this review of our day at Waterbrook Winery. This writer thinks the only thing missing from this posting is the sweet aroma of the outdoor fireplace's wood smoke that occasionally circled our playing area most of the day. The same fire and smoke made a nice atmosphere enhancer for this day in our mild Pacific Northwest outdoors.
Now... Let's go fishing!

The jest of this day's activities was to help bring our local Walla Walla Valley neighbors and families into the realm of having fun with a fly and a fly rod. The price of admission for this day of fun in the sun with a gourmet dutch oven cooked meal was FREE. The heart of our day's activity of course was helping people learn the very easy task and fine art of casting a fly to fish with a different kind of rod than most were used to.
- Skip Prictchard -
FFF Certified Casting Instructor
made casting easy for one and all interested parties.

(a video link)~you can view at 480p and full screen~

and coaches right up to and past the lunch hour.

Now, while all of this outdoor activity was going on... on the inside we had wine tasting, and fly tying demos taking place.

The luncheon prepared by John was delicious... stewed beef, BBQ pork, stewed veggies, (all cooked in a variety of Waterbrook wines), and cornbread. For dessert a dutch oven baked pear crisp, and peach cobbler.
Along with our day of activities we had the folks from
Headwaters Bamboo Rods

Right after lunch we had a door prize drawing for two fly boxes in which we gave away the flies

So with all said and done, we wish to say Thank You, Waterbrook Winery for again allowing the Walla² Fly Fishers to share your facilities and having a great day on your pond, patio. The vino as usually was very delicious.

Tight lines and good fishing.
Walla² Fly Fishers

Scott Peters - President
Skip Pritchard - Co-President
Barry Gould - Treasurer
Dale McKain - Secretary /Blog Master