of business:
- · June 9th is now set to be our Fourth Annual FFF at Waterbrook Winery
- · Everyone reminded to turn-in their steelhead/ salmon catch tags to ODFW & WDFW
- · Grant Richie – Wallowa River raft / fishing guided trip discussed for a club fund raiser
- · Pres. Tyson is looking into buying a DVD projector for program presentations
- · Dale McKain is going to try to make contact with John Shewey concerning availability for a club FALL Banquet (Dale is temporarily out of Internet contact with the world)
- Treasurer Doug Coe reported the club currently has $1200+ in the Baker Boyer Bank account, and pointed out the club expenses of the past month. Our banking / money accounts details are only given to those present for our meetings.
This evening
we had 26 members and guest in attendance.
This evening our program was presented by Herb Clark – Fishing
for Small Mouth Bass and Carp in the Columbia Basin
He was said
that the best time to fish small mouth bass in our area was after the spring
runoff, and good areas to fish were the WW River below the Touchet River, Other
good stretches of the rivers to fish are the Touchet River below Prescott, and
the lower WW River from 9-Mile Ranch to Madame Dorian Park / the Columbia
River. He pointed out that when fishing any of the local areas, be sure to display
the WA Start “Discovery Pass” in your vehicle window at river access points and
where WDFW access pass is required.
Herb also
talked about fishing the lower Grande Ronde and Imnaha river for small mouth
Herb made a
plate of his favorite bass and carp flies that he passed around the room for
show and tell.
After most
of the discussion of fishing for small mouth bass, Herb then discussed fishing
for carp on the fly in our area. Carp and bass are found in much the same areas
of warmer, slow moving water at the mouth of many of the area rivers. While
bass are also found upriver in many rivers, carp are generally found close to
the mouth of the rivers and in backwater and eddy pockets of many river and the
Columbia River. Herb pointed out that carp are spookier than bass and are
generally larger with greater fighting capacity.
Bob Sallee
won the second fly box (raffle) of the evening and like a great sport he gave
the fly box to Kolby Moore the youngest member present this evening.
The meeting
was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. and the group mingled about in general discussion of
fly fishing, past, present, and future.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Dale McKain
Walla² Fly Fishers
Tyson Kopfer - President
Tom Craig - Vice President
Past Presidents
Bob Long
Scott Peters