Saturday, May 16, 2009

Walla² Fly Fishers on the lawn and at the tables

With the streams of our area swollen with spring runoff, waters too fast to swing a fly; the Walla² Fly Fishers came together this Saturday afternoon at the 1st Presbyterian Church of College Place, WA. With the beautiful weather we are having it made a great get together of fly tying and lawn fly casting practice.

Everyone felt that it was a beneficial meeting for all. We had 18 in attendance for this meeting. It gave all of those attending a chance to get to know each other as our group continues to form.

From this meeting there were no minutes, no procedures, just a matter of our club getting to share our skills, knowledge of the art of fly fishing with the local community.

Dale McKain --- as copied/edited from a McKuster Ranch Life blog posting.

Walla² Fly Fishers

Scott Peters - President
Skip Pritchard - Co-President
Dale McKain - Secretary /
Blog Master