Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 2013 the business at hand

This evening President Tom Craig called our meeting to order at 7:15, 12 members and guest were in attendance. Our first order of business was the announcement that club membership due were due. With the absence of Treasurer Doug Coe this evening, President Tom was collecting dues.
Next order of business was the proposal of a 2013 Fly Fishing Fair. The consensus of the group was to again conduct another one and it was proposed for the first Saturday in June, that being June 1st.

Tom told the group that if we wished to have the fair, that Scott will try to arrange the date with Waterbrook Winery. It was announced that Skip (FFF Master Caster / Instructor) will try to make plans to conduct the fly casting clinic for our club this year.
We hope to have John Spain to do his dutch oven cooking for our lunch once again. Tom will ask Scott to try to make arrangements with John.
Discussed was the creation of a club's fly fishing / fly tying library. Tyson brought a collection of his books to begin the library and he will take the position of Club Librarian. 

Anyone, everyone who might have some well read books, any multi-watched videos (VHS-DVD) are ask to consider adding to this library. Please label donations with your name / telephone number.

The next major order of business was the discussion of making a meeting location change -effective Wednesday, 13 March 2013-. The committee for making the move contacted and confirmed that our NEW meeting location will be Smith Family Restaurant at 1425 W. Pine Street, Walla Walla which is right off Hwy 12 Bypass using the Myra Road exit.
Our monthly meeting schedule will remain the same,
second Wednesday of the month - September-May
~ 7:00 p.m. club meeting ~ 
 ~ 6:00 p.m. Dutch treat dinner / social hour ~

Tom then opened the discussion concerning area fishing opportunities and some helpful websites he had visited for near-local fishing opportunities; Troutwater, www.clearcreek, and others publications with featured articles of Northwest fly fishing hot spots.
Club fishing outings were brought up – Tyson had talked with Bob Wolfe in Pendleton about our club joining the Blue Mtn Flycasters on some of their outings. Calendar of events will be forthcoming.
Tucannon River lakes will open for fishing on March 1st.Walla² Fly Fishers may try to make an outing to Big 4 on March 2nd waterflow permitting.
Vice President Dave Stemmer said he had been in contact with the La Grande, OR fishing club and thinking about visiting their March meeting, with maybe some pm fishing included. Info to be announced.

Herb won this evening's door prize fly box.

Business meeting was closed at 7:35 with fly tying and notes sharing following.


Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain

Tight lines and good fishing.

Walla² Fly Fishers

Tom Craig – President
Dave Stemmer – Vice President
Doug Coe – Treasurer
Dale McKain – Secretary

Past Presidents

Tyson Kopfer
Bob Long
Scott Peters