Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fly Fishing NE Oregon with Bob Wolfe

This evening was our first gathering at the Smith's Family Restaurant banquet room. We had a good turnout for dinner, and it was again nice to have a common table to sit around and share good conversations, good food.
Tonight we had 22 members and guest in attendance of our monthly meeting. After dinner President Tom brought the meeting to order at 7:10. 

The business portion of our meeting concerned the development of our 2013 Fly Fishing Fair at Waterbrook Winery.

It had been proposed that this year we hold this event the first Saturday of June, but due to individual’s schedules we are now looking most seriously at Saturday May 18th. Regardless we just hope to have plenty of sunshine and no wind, the day of. This year's Fly Fishing Fair will be our 5th Annual event.

This year we are again hoping to have John Spain perform his fabulous dutch oven cookout for our lunch, and there is the possibility that Waterbrook Winery will stock trout in their pond for this affair. This appears to be coming together well, so please be in tune to the club’s  email, facebook and blog messaging for further development / announcements.   
Also discussed was the idea of working with WDFW on some area -SE Washington- fishery projects. More about this will be discussed at our April meeting.
Dale McKain also mentioned that he was continuing to try to make contact with John Shewey (fly fisher extraordinaire, author, and editor of Northwest Fly Fishing mag) and ask him about the possibility of setting a date for a club banquet.
This evening the door prize fly box was won by Doug Coe.

Our program this evening was a presentation made by Pendleton’s fly fisher Bob Wolfe.

 His presentation was “Northeast Oregon Fly Fishing” a PPP slide show. Bob now retired was the law enforcement officer for the Umatilla National Forest for many years. He has knowledge beyond any other as to where to go, when to be on  different waters, at the right time, to hook trout on the fly in this corner of our fly fishing world. Bob again provided us with much more information than this writer can put into an honest recap of his presentation. In his presentation he pointed out many trout and steelhead fishing opportunities, stillwaters and river hot spots in NE Oregon and SE Washington. Bob presentation basically divided the National Forest and surrounding areas into sections and gave a layout of each section using maps and pictures of many of the fishable waters in Northeast Oregon and Southern Washington. Because these waters are too numerous to mention here, please use the following links to find many of the waters that Bob mentioned in his presentation.

Please check the current ODFW Northeast Zone fishing regulations before you wet a fly here. There are not enough days in a fishing season to discover all of these locations, so enjoy all day Catch & Release and wait until the end of the day to take your 5-fish creel.
Bob also discussed many of his self-tyed flies that he uses in his pursuit of hooking trout. He has recently developed a fly that he calls a DB (double beaded) chironomid, using a pearl white bead instead of a stranded material for gills. 

If you would like to contact Bob Wolfe for more information please email him at...  

If you missed his program, we're sorry, wish you you could have been there. 

Our second fly box of the evening was won in raffle by Jerry Makus. Congratulation Jerry and Doug, hope you enjoy the wonderful flies and those nice boxes. 

Our meeting was was adjourned at 8:50 and a few folks continued to stick around to compare meeting notes and socialize.

Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Tight lines and good fishing.

Walla² Fly Fishers

Tom Craig – President
Dave Stemmer – Vice President
Doug Coe – Treasurer
Dale McKain – Secretary

Past Presidents

Tyson Kopfer
Bob Long
Scott Peters