Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Project Healing Waters - Fly Fishing

Again this year our September meeting is being held on the third Wednesday of the month, as the first two week of the month are filled with the local celebration of RODEO. This writer would like to mention that the first week of September is filled with the Walla Walla Frontier Days and County Fair, and the second week of September each and every year is filled with the Pendleton Round Up.

This evening President Tom called our meeting to order at 7:05 following dinner. Tonight we had 14 members in attendance.
Tonight Treasurer Doug told us that we had over $900 in the bank and with petty cash we had over $1000 in our club treasury.
Club librarian Tyson gave us an update on the growing collection of books, CDs, DVDs and magazines we now have at our meeting-to-meeting access.
Secretary Dale reported that he was still trying to make contact with John Shewey concerning the chance of having John come to Walla Walla for a fly fishing banquet (speaker) in early 2014.

This evening we did not have a program per se but had a report
Gerald Berton Newell, 75
May 4, 1940 —  Feb. 1, 2016
Rest in Peace dear friend
from Jerry Newell who has been in contact with the local Walla Walla VA and discussed setting up a Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program between our club and the veterans in recovery at our local VA hospital. Please follow the link attached for more details of what this VA program for healing is all about.Jerry reported that he would like to chair a committee to promote a healing program via the Walla² Fly Fishers and to date we have six (6) club members that wish to participate in helping vets learn to fly fish and tye flies as a new recreation for themselves. If you would have time to help, please follow this link about HELPING VETS with your fly fishing knowledge and/or contact Jerry at our monthly meetings and let's discuss.

The meeting this evening was adjourned about 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain

Tight lines and good fishing.

Walla² Fly Fishers

Tom Craig – President
Dave Stemmer – Vice President
Doug Coe – Treasurer
Dale McKain – Secretary

Past Presidents

Tyson Kopfer
Bob Long
Scott Peters