A club's outing on the Deschutes |
This evening
we had 17 members and guest present.
After dinner
was served, President Judy called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
To begin the
meeting we had a “Round Table” meet and greet introduction of all present.
Harold gave his report of monies in our checking account. It was again brought
up this month the suggested price of Club Membership Dues. A membership vote
was conducted and agreed that effective January 1, 2023 our club dues would be
$15 for individual membership and $25 for family membership.
mentioned that he wanted to SALE his 2-man pontoon boat, and maybe would sale
his 1-person pontoon boat. Contact Harold Saxby for details.
Dale gave a brief report of our October 12th meeting.
Judy, brought to the group’s attention that in January 2023 it has been requested
by the current officer that we hold an election for a NEW slate of club
officers. Judy asked the officers present to write up a brief “job description”
of their office.
It was
discussed the possibilities of moving our meeting to another location – Dave our
Program Director will be looking into this.
Look for a meeting location change – possibility – with the January 2023
meeting announcement.
We discussed some club activities for 2023 that we should discuss further in the New Year.
· -- Having another Fly Fishing Fair
· -- 4-H Workshop
· -- Club Fishing Outings
· -- Fly Casting Clinics
Tom is going to try to have Grant Richie come to make a
presentation for our January 2023 meeting.
Our meeting was adjourned at 8:05.
O Our next meeting will be Wednesday January 11, 2023.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Club Secretary / Blog master