Wednesday, January 18, 2023

January 11 Meeting - Searching for a New Slate of Club Officers for 2023-24

This evening we had 26 members and guest present, at Sheri's Restaurant in Walla Walla. 

After dinner was served, Co-President Judy called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm. 
It had previously been announced that she and Co-President Diane would be stepping down from their Co-President chairs effective with this meeting. Club Treasurer Harold had said that he would like to step away from his post also. 
Please note that with the COVID-19 shutdown, all three of these club officers had given their services for the past 4-years. Thank you one and all for the job well done. You are appreciated. 

Dale being a club founder noted that if someone wanted to fill the shoes of club Secretary that he would be happy to step aside and let another individual with a fresh spirit take the position he has occupied for thirteen years. 

So it was at this meeting, we had all club Officers positions open and/ or available for a NEW SLATE of individuals saying “I want to – I am willing to be the NEW 2023-2024…” club officers. 
The usual term for Club Officers is TWO (2) Years. 

At this point in the meeting Secretary Dale took the non-existent gavel and called the discussion to order as by default he was to be this evening’s MC. 

Treasurer Harold reported that we currently had One Thousand-Fifty Two dollars and Seventy nine cents ($1052.79) in the club’s checking account. This evening we did have a raffle for boxes of flies and club logo hats, with those funds to be added to these current club funds. A club logo cap was given away as the evening's Door Prize. It is customary that we have a Free Door Prize at each meeting and a raffle of fly boxes or other items donated to the club. We ask all that are able to donate TWO (2) flies to each of our club's meeting raffles. 

It was noted that that club dues for 2023 were now due and at the November meeting it was agreed that the dues would now be Fifteen dollars ($15) for an individual’s membership and Twenty-Five dollars ($25) for a full family membership. Some members paid their 2023 club dues this evening – adding to the club treasury. 

With the subject of club dues in mind, we made a historical reflection of things the club had been involve with (group activities and events) over the past 14 years. We also discussed a few plans to try to be involved with in 2023. 
• 2023 Fly Fishing Fair – Dave and Dale will be working on this 
• The 4-H Weekend Workshop for youth activities – Tom will be working on this 
• Club group fishing outings to high lakes and rivers – a group effort based on fishing reports – different strokes for different folks… trout, steelhead, and salmon fishing trips 
• Fly Casting Clinic
• Round Table Fly tying get togethers 
• Midweek After Work - cookouts and flotation fishing at Bennington Lake with all things being connected to our love and enthusiasm for sharing fly fishing and camaraderie - there can be some good catching evening at Bennington Lake.
NOTE: the club has a pontoon boat and two float tubes to share

It had been previously discussed – moving our meetings to a different location. This evening our number of members and guest -26- had filled the “meeting room” at Sheri’s. We need more room. Dave and Dale will be working on this project, for a new location we hope effective with our February 8th meeting – please watch your email for a change of club meetings location update. 

Dale then gave a brief history of the early creation of the Walla² Fly Fishers club as noted by / with the club’s blog reports at-  -which dates back to March 5, 2009. 

Dale then asked Judy and Diane and Harold to give a brief job description for all to hear; of the club offices they had held for the past 4-years; Dale then gave his job description of his job as Secretary and Club Blogmaster. Thereafter Dale asked if anyone would wish to step forward and nominate themselves or a person that they know to fill the positions of club President – Vice President – Secretary – Treasurer. There was some discussion around the room, but no one came forward with a nomination for new club officers. It was noted that the regular club meeting would only consume an officers time during the months of January-May and September-November.
The club takes a fishing vacation June-August and a holidays break from Thanksgiving through New Year’s week. Judy had at a previous meeting asked Harold and Dale to formulate and give a short detail of their job description; she and Diane has done likewise. 
 PRESIDENT / CO-PRESIDENT / Vice PRESIDENT: with the meeting location established… 5:45-6:00p setup evening’s business table for meeting --- Have name tags and felt pens available near meeting entrance table Greet attendees prior to dinner – pass out one FREE door prize ticket to everyone following 6:00 dinner around --- 7:00p call meeting to order Introduce yourself, ask for visitors to introduce themselves and what brought them to WWFF Proceed with the Order of Business – Reports from Secretary – Treasurer – Miscellaneous – recent fishing trips (suggested that you have an agenda for reference) ** AS Needed (maybe once or twice a year) call for a board meeting to discuss matters as needed. Announce the meeting’s program / presenter 8:00-8:30p finalize discussions, announce next meeting date, and adjourn meeting. 
Club Secretary Report: Minutes of last month’s meeting activities and guest presentations, and/ or club board meetings since the last membership meeting 
Treasurer's Report: Report of funds currently in bank account, noting new activities of deposits and expenses.
With this evening’s discussion coming to a close, Dale ask if there were any interested parties, nominations, well-wishers that would like to come forward and put their name up for an election of Club Officers at our next meeting - February 8th. Discussion continued, but no one came forward to say “I Will Serve." 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Dale McKain 
Club Secretary 

PS. Our new meeting location effective for February 8, 2023 will be at: 
Chiquillas Mexican House 
428 Ash St, Walla Walla, WA 99362 
(509) 525-2598
- next door to Walker’s Furniture Store