Again this evening we had a nice collection of flies donated to give a good start to the winners of the two fly boxes to be distributed this evening.

If you were not present for this meeting we would like to bring to your attention and have you mark your calendars for:
- Saturday, May 22 for our 2010 Fly Fishing Fair at Waterbrook Winery located on Hwy 12 West of Walla Walla. Fly Fishing Fair hours will be 11 am - 4 pm. Admission is FREE
- Saturday, September 18 for our 2010 Walla² Fly Fishers Banquet with Brian O'Keefe at Crossroads Restaurant in Walla Walla. Dinner and seat for this banquet will be $25 single - $40 couples. Details to be announced ASAP, we have booked Brian and Crossroads at this time.
- Saturdays and Sundays, -TBA- through the Summer 2010 club fishing outings

A first time visitor Ben won the evening's door prize - fly box. He was quite pleased with the situation.
This evening our guest speaker was Dennis Dauble. Dennis retired after 35+ years as a fisheries researcher and manager at Pacific Northwest National

After Dennis' presentation Treasurer Barry gave his updated report, which is not being published to this Blogspot posting.
In wrapping up our evening we held the drawing for the second -fly box- raffle prize and the winner of that box was Loren, another first time visitor to our club's meeting. We would also like to express our appreciation to Tyson who is now a member of the Walla² Fly Fishers, but since his first meeting attended he has won an Orvis fly rod & reel combo, a couple of fly boxes and was the first draw of tonight's door prize -fly box- but offered to let that winning pass on to another. Thank you Tyson for offering the door prize for a second round.
Tonight there were 31 (members & guest) in attendance of our meeting. With this number we just about had a full house. If we had had the 4-5 other members that are regular attender of our meeting, we would have needed to find additional space. It is to this writer's regret to point this out; but maybe the time has come that the Walla² Fly Fishers needs to look for a new location for regular monthly meetings to accommodate our growth.
Any suggestions???
A view of the north end of tonight's meeting room.

After all was said and done, the meeting was adjourned around 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Club Secretary
PS. Our May meeting will NOT be held at the China Buffet. May's meeting will be included in the activities of our
2010 Fly Fishing Fair
Saturday, May 22 11am - 4pm
at Waterbrook Winery on Hwy 12 West of Walla Walla, WA.Hope to see everyone then - lunch & activities are FREE.
Tight lines and good fishing.
Walla² Fly Fishers

Scott Peters - President
Skip Pritchard - Co-President
Barry Gould - Treasurer
Dale McKain - Secretary /Blog Master