Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Still at work on things to do in 2014

This evening at Smith's Family Restaurant in Walla Walla, President Tom called our meeting to order at 7:07.

We had 17 club members and guest in attendance.

We only had one fly box to offer the group, so this fly box of trout and steelhead flies was our evening’s FREE door prize.
Judy won the fly box this evening.

This evening’s meeting was very much a club business meeting of things happening, and things to come.

Our first order of business was shared with Kristi Bailes of Waterbrook Winery with a discussion of setting up this year’s Fly Fishing Fair. 

Kristi is currently the catering and merchandise manager for the Waterbrook Winery, and her past experience has been the manager of Red’s Fly Shop of Ellensburg, WA. We determined with Kristi that our best date for this annual event would be Saturday 14 June. Our timing for this event will be from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. For this event, again we will have fly line casting instructions, fly tying demonstrations, and fly fishing in the Waterbrook –trout– ponds.
 It was understood that the trout stocked in these ponds last year have held over and should be larger and catchable – C&R – this year. Please mark your calendar for 14 June 2014, and join us for this Fly Fishing Fair and fly fishing opportunity.
Kristi - Robin - VP Dave

Project Healing Waters Chairman Jerry, gave us an update on the development of our project with the Walla Walla VA Hospital. Even though things are moving a bit slowly with the VA, we are now a recognized affiliate with Project Healing Waters, and it looks like our first fly tying meeting with the vets at the Walla Walla VA Hospital is set for May 1st.  
With this affiliation our club has been given access to $2000 of Project Healing Waters – National, funds to develop our program in Walla Walla. To help us get started with this project asap Co-Chairperson Diane tells us that she has access to 16 fly tying kits that she has used in the past for teaching children to tye flies. Co-Chairperson Dale reports that he has several large boxes of fly tying materials to share-donate to this cause.

Fly Fishing Banquet Chairman Dale confirmed that we are now scheduled and programing our 2014 Fly Fishing Banquet with guest speaker, author, editor, fellow fly fisher- John Shewey.
Our Fly Fishing Banquet will be held on 18 October at the Walla Walla Country Club between 5:00 and 9:00 pm. Please mark your calendars for this event and a chance to meet John. If you have one or some of the dozen fly fishing/ fly tying books he has authored, bring them with you to have signed. This banquet will be currently open to 75 guests, but may open to more as it is being considered inviting the fly fishers of Pendleton and Tri-Cities to join us; feeling that the more, the merrier.

Market's Co-Manager Robin, of the Walla Walla Farmers’ Market addressed our meeting with concern and interest in having the Walla² Fly Fishers maintaining an exposure booth for our club at the fairgrounds Farmers’ Market. 
This events begins Saturday 3 May and continues through 13 September. All those interested in being involved with this event and giving our club some public exposure please contact President Tom for more details.

Secretary Dale gave the little bit of info he had gathered from his contact with Creating Memories for Disabled Children. This organization works out of a lakeside / outdoor camp at Wallow Lake near Joseph, OR. The only communication that Dale has received to date is that the camp is closed for the season, and the owner/manager will be back in touch once an assessment has been made of lake work that might need to be done, once the weather breaks and work can be done.

One more reminder from Treasurer Doug, that everyone's annual club membership dues are due. We are no longer an affiliate of the Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF), so we do not ask that our membership pay individual dues to that organization. Our
Walla² Fly Fishers' annual dues are $15 for individuals and $20 for family. If you are with us, please hand Doug your $$$$ in May. Thank You

Our meeting was adjourned shortly after 8:15.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, 14 May.

Respectively submitted,
Dale McKain
Club Secretary

Tight lines and good fishing.

Walla² Fly Fishers

Tom Craig – President
Dave Stemmer – Vice President
Doug Coe – Treasurer
Dale McKain – Secretary

Past Presidents
Tyson Kopfer
Bob Long
Scott Peters

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