After club business discussion our speaker for the evening, Bob Wolfe took the floor. Bob is a retired USFS law enforcement officer and very avid salmonid fly fisher, fly tyer. This writer learned long ago that if you have questions concerning fishing in NE Oregon, Bob is a #1 source of information.
Bob presented us with this chart of stillwater trout diet, from this we see the chance of catching trout in stillwaters is increased greatly with the use of these small flies – chironomids. 39% of a stillwater trout's diet is made up of chironomids.
Over the past 10+ years Bob has been an extensive stillwater fly fisher and has devoted lots of time in searching the stillwaters eastern Oregon and Washington to hone his skills in chasing trout here. He talked about his use of fly tackle, rod, line, leader, strike indicators (a dry fly, pinch-on and Thingamabobber) and the flies he uses. Bob normally fishes his chironomids at 16”-18” deep, but depending on the lake conditions he may go much deeper.
Bob discussed his thoughts on tying chironomid flies for stillwater fishing. He pointed out that he had found that in fishing deep water he uses a basic red fly, and in shallower waters he uses gray, black and olive colored flies.
NOTES on chironomid fly tying that Bob gave us were:
- Colors – as mentioned above (for olive Bob uses a Magic Marker on clear Stretch Magic)
- Shape – curved
- Hooks – Bob uses Cabela’s Model 20 and 25, mostly in sizes #14- #20
- Segmentation – some very segmented
- Translucent – use of Stretch Magic
- Radiance – having some sparkle / shine
- Gills – white polypropylene yarn
In closing his presentation this evening Bob invited all to fish with him and the Blue Mountain Flycasters on their next outing to Penland Lake for some great stillwater fishing fun (check their Facebook page here for their fishing activities). After Bob's presentation most of the folks in attendance this evening took the time to talk with Bob and each other about upcoming fishing activities.
Bob Thank You again, for sharing with our club a most informative and enjoyable evening talking fly fishing.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale McKain
Dale McKain
Walla² Fly Fishers
Tyson Kopfer - President
Tom Craig - Vice President
Past Presidents
Bob Long
Scott Peters
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